Emblem, Cam Cover. For 91~95 ZR-1 LT5. Sold individually. Two (2) Cam Cover Emblems are required per engine.
Although this is NOT a NOS original part, it is nontheless a very close, if not exact, likeness of the original. We have seen new, original emblems sell for over $100.00 each, when they do seldom appear.
The emblems do not have adhesive tape on the back. Simply clean the cam cover of all debris, degrease both the back of the emblem and the cam cover with alcohol. Allow to dry then place small dabs of black RTV silicone sealant/adhesive on the back of the emblem and carefully place into position. Let it cure overnight and you're good to go.
These emblems are new on the market, so they haven't had an opportunity to undergo the scrutinty of the NCRS judges yet. When we hear reports, the results will be included here. Check out the photo. I beleieve you will find them to be an excellent reproduction, as we do.